
跟大家分享 GoodTV的禱告大軍 (,這是每天都有的敬拜讚美與禱告的節目,每集節目大約30分鐘。除了敬拜讚美與禱告,中間有牧師的短講,每週會有不同的牧師來帶領。

2011-02-06 的禱告大軍,想跟大家分享,如果看不到下面的短片,大家可以直節連結到禱告大軍的網站點選當天的錄影。

2011-02-06 信息經文:猶大書 第一章20~21節
『 親愛的弟兄啊,你們卻要在至聖的真道上造就自己,在聖靈裡禱告, 保守自己常在神的愛中,仰望我們主耶穌基督的憐憫,直到永生。 』

Summary of Worship Team Meeting on Jan. 16, 2011

>1) The current team members are: Josh, Liju, Xiaoxi, Hanju, Chien-Chi, Lei, Tim, Shihai, Changyu, Leng Na, and Yongqiang. David also helps with piano on normally once a month basis.
2) New worship schedule for the spring term has been finalized. We will explore a fixed worship group structure. Each worship lead will be accompanied by two fixed singers for the whole spring term starting in March when Sister Changyu returns. One purpose of the fixed Lead-Singers format is for better team building and worship preparation.
3) We try to work out a mechanism to receive prompt and constructive feedbacks after each Sunday‘s worship from (a) brothers and sisters in the congregation, and (b) designated members among co-workers and/or worship team members. The constructive feedback will help worship team members to grow in this area and to be better prepared to serve the congregation.
4) To better equip us in worship ministry, Worship team members will read a new Worship Book together. The book is titled 靈命更新的敬拜 Spiritual Transformation Through Worship by 楊豐恩牧師. This has been purchased and should come in soon.
5) Brother Josh will lead a couple of singing skill training sessions to worship team members when the Chinese new year celebration is over.
6) Chien-Chi and Hanju has been working diligently to compile worship songs database for the church. Some of the song titles are already posted on our Worship Blog.
7) Briefly discussed about Friday’s worships. When each group has been doing an excellent job in leading worship on Fridays, it would be even better if song selections and prayer content on Fridays could make Gospel friends feel more inclusive. Also, the worship time (and Bible study time) should also be appropriately managed so that we can finish more or less on time (around 8:30 pm as intended). This time concern also applies to Sundays since Paster Tang’s message can be quite a long (~70 min) sometimes..
8) We agreed that we like to have Worship ministry team meeting once every two months.

Thanks for your faithful serve in this ministry.




也謝謝冷娜協助尋找許多詩歌的youtube的link,有大家的幫忙(還有勒勒的合作),截止今天為止,總算大功告成,清單位於BLOG首頁上方的TAG “song list”,另外,歌本也整理成六本,目前收納在禮拜堂左前方的櫃子裡面。
